Welcome to the CXI (F) Sqn Association Website
![]() The CXI (F) Sqn Association
In March 2011, as the last remaining F3 Tornado squadron, and one of the premier fighter squadrons in the Royal Air Force, CXI (F) Sqn disbanded. The squadron spirit remains alive in the legacy that its members have created, through many years of outstanding front line service , and through the work of the CXI (F) Sqn Association. If you are interested in joining the Association, then please contact us via our Application Form. The Sqn crest is instantly recognizable - but what does each component signify? In front of two swords in saltire, a cross potent quadrat, charged with three seaxes fesswise in pale - approved by King Edward VIII in October 1936. The cross commemorates First World War operations in Palestine, the seaxes signify RAF Hornchurch in Essex - where the Sqn was based at the time the crest was initially designed in 1934 - and the swords signify London, the unit being part of the capital's defences when the badge was designed. The motto, "Adstantes" is Latin for "Standing By" (them), in reference to the Squadrons' previous role in maintaining the air defence of the UK. |
Association NewsCXI(F) Standard Laying-up Ceremony, St. Clement Danes Church, London.
The date for the Laying-up ceremony of the CXI(F) Squadron Standard has been agreed. it will be in February 2025, in St Clement Danes Church, London. Further information about the event and how to attend, can be found in the latest newsletter No 68, October 2024 , in the members only area, please follow this link CXI(F) Newletter No 68 Available
The latest CXI(F) Sqn Association Newsletter No 68, October 2024 can be accessed in the members only area, please follow this link CXI(F) Squadron Reunion October 2024
A very successful 2024 CXI(F) Squadron Reunion weekend was held at the Dower Hotel, in Woodall Spa in October. The organisation of the 2025 reunion is already underway, please access the No 68 October 24 Newsletter, follow this link for more information and to sign up for what is a great weekend and opportunity to meet old friends ........ CXI(F) Newletter No 67 Available
The latest CXI(F) Sqn Association Newsletter NO 67 August 2024 can be accessed in the members only area, please follow this link Russell Cleland
We have lost one of our most loyal members of the Squadron Association, Russell Cleland. Russell and his wife Jennifer were regular attenders of the Squadron Association reunions over many years. Indeed it was Russell who arranged for the very successful guided visit to the RAF Museum at Cosford during the 2023 reunion, which was enjoyed by all those who attended. We will remember Russell with great affection for his friendly manner, cheerful and smiling outlook, and ready sense of humour. On behalf of all members of the CXI (F) Squadron Association, our sincere condolences to Jennifer and Russell's family Squadron Members Remembered CXI(F) Newletter No 66 Available
The latest CXI(F) Sqn Association Newsletter NO 66 February 2024 can be accessed in the members only area, please follow this link Squadron Leader Roger R E Hymans (Retd)
Sad news that another member of the Black Arrows Aerobatic Display Team has flown his last sortie. Roger , as a key member of the Black Arrows during a memorable time in the Squadron's history., participated in the 22-Hunter loop over the Farnborough Air Show, a feat unequalled to this day, and remains a proud moment for the Squadron. In December 2020, Roger gave an Aircrew Interview during which he talked about flying in the famous 22 Hawker Hunter Loop at Farnborough airshow in 1958. Click on this link to view it Roger and his wife were both regular attenders of CXI(F) Squadron Association reunions over the years. Sincere condolences to Roger's family from the CXI(F) Squadron Association members Squadron Members Remembered Wing Commander David Goodwin (RETD)
The Association has been informed of the death, on 25.10.2023 of Wing Commander David Goodwin. who flew Hunters with CXI(Fighter) Squadron at a most important time in the Squadron's history. Not only was he a founder member of the Black Arrows aerobatic team, but was also a reliable "Black 2" to Roger Topp, in the early years of displays. The remaining members of the "Black Arrows" and the whole CXI(F) Squadron Association members send their sincere condolences to David's family at this sad time. Squadron Members Remembered AIR COMMODORE
DAVID LAWRENCE CBE RAF (RETD) We have been informed of the death of AIr Commodore David Lawrence CBE RAF (RETD), who died on 28th June 2023 at his home and is survived by his wife Joy. The members of the CXI (F) Squadron Association convey our deepest condolences to Joy, his son Andrew and the rest of David's family. Squadron Members Remembered CXI(F) Squadron Reunion
The CXI(F) Squadron Association held it's Annual Reunion on Saturday 22 April 2023. A wonderful time was had by all with very entertaining speeches being given by our President and Chairman, and the addition of many tales of QRA "Daring Do" (mainly in F4s) from those attending the Saturday evening dinner. On Sunday there was the opportunity to join 2 guided tours of the Royal Air Force Museum Cosford, with examples of aircraft flown by CXI(F) Squadron on display, including a Hurricane, Spitfire and Lightning to mention a few. As usual, the Association Reunion was a splendid way to meet fellow Squadron members, remember those who served with the Squadron and, of course, to celebrate the best Squadron of the Royal Air Force! (...but then we would say that, wouldn't we!). CXI(F) Newletter No 65 Available
The CXI(F) Sqn Association latest Newsletter NO 65 February 2023 can be accessed in the members only area, please follow this link Jim Feeney
Sadly Jim Feeny of the CXI(F) Sqn Association recently passed away, on Sunday 25th December 2023. The Association convey our deepest condolences to his family. Bill Jago
The CXI(F) Sqn Association has learnt that Bill Jago passed on Wednesday 6th December 2023. Our thoughts are with his family at this very sad time. CXI(F) Newletter No 64 Available
The CXI(F) Sqn Association latest Newsletter NO 64 September 2022 can be accessed in the members only area, please follow this link CXI(F) Newletter No 63 Available
The CXI(F) Sqn Association latest Newsletter NO 63 February 2022 can be accessed in the members only area, please follow this link CXI(F) SQN Reunion Dinner
Postponed till June 2022 Unfortunately, due to the current uncertain situation in the UK, the CXI(F) Sqn Association reunion dinner planned for June 2021 has been postponed until June 2022. It is with a very heavy heart this decision has been made. Members can find out more information and a message from our President and our Chairman in the latest Newsletter in the members only area, please follow this link One for our F4 Mates
Now and then we like to inform our members and visitors to the association website of small things that keep the history and memory of CXI(F) Sqn alive ........ Thanks to one of our members for the info on the forthcoming 1/48 scale Corgi model of the CXI(F) Sqn Phantom VX592 from the late 1970's To find out more, and (for some of us anyway ....) a trip down memory lane, follow this link Passing of Malcolm Wright
The Association has been informed of the passing of Malcolm Wright, who died peacefully on Thursday 14th Jan 2021. Both Malcolm and his wife Eunice, were stalwarts of the Association reunions, bringing friendliness, enthusiasm, and a spirited manner to the events. Over the many reunions they attended, their support and friendship were very much appreciated by the officials of the Squadron's Association. Our thoughts are very much with Eunice and Malcolm's family at such a difficult time and we offer them our sincerest condolences. ![]() Peter Jennings - Black Arrows Pilot
With great sadness the Association has learnt that one of our members, Peter Jennings, has passed away after a short illness. Peter was a member of 111 (Fighter) Squadron at a key time in its history and is remembered fondly and with respect as one of the Black Arrows, when the Squadron was the public face of the Royal Air Force at air shows around the country. The 1958 Farnborough Air Show will always remain the pinnacle of the Black Arrows' achievements, and the loop of 22 Hunters, of which Peter piloted XE616, was and remains unique in aviation folklore. Peter's involvement in that spectacular and demanding performance will always be enshrined in the sense of pride we in the Association feel for our historic Squadron. Peter and his wife Mary were regular supporters of Association reunions, attending many of them including in 2017 the centenary of the Squadron's formation. Our thoughts are very much with Mary and the rest of Peter's family at this difficult time. Squadron Aircraft "HG" ZE 158
The last aircraft flown operationally by CXI(F) Sqn was the F3 Tornado, and the Association has been given permission to use a stunning photograph of "HG" ZE 158 at low-level in August 2005. It was taken by aviation photographer Phil Stevens, Follow this LINK to see it. Association Reunion 2020
Dear Association Members Hopefully, you are all keeping safe and well during the current pandemic. Unfortunately, we must notify all our members of the cancellation of the planned CXI(F) Squadron Association Reunion which was to be held on Saturday 06 June 2020. We have made the decision based on the latest information and guidance available – but, mostly in order to protect our membership. The committee are now considering some revised dates for the reunion and it looks very much as if there will be a delay of 12 months, with a date next year that deconflicts with the Cosford airshow in 2021. We hope you and your family remain healthy during this time, keep safe everyone! Adstantes March 2020
The CXI(F) Squadron Association has been notified of the very sad news that Roger Topp, a former Squadron "Boss", and leader of the famous Black Arrows, died on Friday 07 March 2020. He would have been 97 years old in May of this year. Our thoughts and sympathies are with Roger's family at this sad time. March 2020
The CXI(F) Squadron Association has been notified of the very sad news that Roger Topp, a former Squadron "Boss", and leader of the famous Black Arrows, died on Friday 07 March 2020. He would have been 97 years old in May of this year. Our thoughts and sympathies are with Roger's family at this sad time. March 2020
The latest CXI(F) Squadron Association Newsletter No. 60 has been sent to members with details of the next Association Reunion to be held in June 2020. We look forward to seeing you there ....... October 2019
We have recently been informed of the dearth of Robert James "Paddy" Rae, on 28th October 2019 aged 97 years old. Upon turning 18 years old, "Paddy" joined the RAF and served with CXI(F) Sqn as an armourer from January 1940 to 1942 in the UK, before moving with the Squadron to North Africa in November 1942. Subsequently he served with CXI(F) Sqn in Italy and the South of France, ending the war with the occupying army in Austria. Following the war he joined the Northern Ireland Civil Service and enjoyed a long retirement from 1982. His wife Olivia Rachael predeceased him and he is survived by his son Gordon and daughter-in-law Lorraine. Our thoughts are with them at this sad time. October 2019
Information about next year's CXI(F) Squadron Association Reunion is available for members in the No 59 Newsletter, which can be accessed in the members only area. We look forward to seeing you in 2020 15 April 2019
The CXI(F) Squadron Association has been contacted by Stephen Cawley, who together with Mark Moore have restored Phantom airframe XV406, which can now be seen in 111 (F) Squadron markings at the Solway Aviation Museum. Follow this link to see some photographs of the finished airframe. Our congratulations to Stephen and Mark on their fantastic work. 03 April 2019
It is with great sadness that we were informed by his wife Barbara, of the death on 27th March 2019 of former 111 (F) Squadron and Association Member Edward Mendham. Edward served 1954-1967. Our thoughts are with Barbara and the rest of Edward's family at this time. 27 March 2019
The Squadron Association was represented at the military funeral of CXI(F) Squadron spitfire pilot W/O John "Harry" Henry Coates, who was shoot down on 05 March 1945. In a moving ceremony, which took place at the Commonwealth War cemetery in Padua, Italy, on Wednesday 27 March 2019, a wreath in squadron colours was laid at the graveside. More details of the story of W/O Coates and the funeral can be found HERE. March 2019
The CXI(F) Squadron Association will hold their annual reunion event on 13th April 2019. If you are an ex CXI(F) Squadron member and wish to attend please contact us for more information through our contact form HERE June 2018
This years CXI(F) Association Reunion will be held in October 2018. Details have been sent to members via the Association Newsletter. March 2018
Following the very successful Association Reunion to celebrate the 100 years of CXI (F) Squadron. A pamphlet to commemorate the occasion is now available for members via the following link - 100 yrs CXI Pamphlet - October 2017
On 14th & 15th October 2017, over 60 ex-CXI (F) Sqn members gathered to celebrate 100 years since the formation of the Squadron. A wonderful weekend was had by all with a visit to the Lightning Preservation Group, a formal dinner and a Commemorative Church Service, all being part of the programme. September 2017
With much sadness we have been informed of the death of former 111 (F) Sqn member, Lez Duquemin, who passed away on Tuesday 12th September 2017. Our thoughts are with his wife Kate and family at this very sad time. Further details will be added to this post as they become available. May 2017
Unfortunately, we were notified of the passing, after a short illness, of Russ Cluer on 3 May 2017. He was known as "Bully" during his time on 111 (F) Sqn, and much liked by everyone who knew him. Our sympathies are with his wife Nicky and her family at this very sad time. A celebration Service will be held at Weston Mill Crematorium, Plymouth, PL2 2HA - 12:15, Friday 19th May 2017. Then a get together in the Boringdon Arms, Boringdon Terrace, Turnchapel, Plymouth, PL9 9TQ. April 2017
Death of Air Vice Marshal Peter Spencer Collins, CB, AFC, BA, RAF (Rtd), aged 87. Commanding officer of 111(F) Sqn during it's Lightning years in the late 1960's. Peter died on the 17 April 2017 in Farleigh Hospice, Chelmsford, after a long and hard-fought battle with the after-effects of cancer surgery. March 2017
This year the 111(F) SQN Association Reunion will take place on 14 October 2017, we look forward to seeing many ex-Tremblers members at this great event. Please contact us if you wish to have more information. January 2017
This year 111(F)SQN will be celebrating it's 100 year birthday. 111(F) Sqn was officially recognised on 1 August 1917, and formed at a small-disused area of Deir-el-Belah airfield in Palestine. Check back for details of the 2017 Association Reunion to celebrate this great occasion. December 2016
Death of Peter Latham. The Association is very sad to announce the death of a former Sqaudron Commanding Officer, Air Vice-Marshal Peter Latham, who, after a short illness, passed away aged 91. October 2016:
This years Association Reunion took place on Saturday 08th October 2016 at the Ullesthorpe Court Hotel near Leicester. A fantastic evening was had by all. February 2016:
Lightning XR713 was the 111(F) Squadron Gateguard at RAF Leuchars until early 2015, when it was saved by the Lightning Preservation Group (LPG) at Bruntingthorpe. XR713 is 95% reassembled See more, including photos, at: http://www.lightnings.org.uk January 2016:
Black Mike is saved! Thanks to a generous offer by Mr Gary Spoors of GJD Services. The British F4 Phantom Aviation Group (BF4PAG) have confirmed that Black Mike is one step closer to its new home at Bruntingthorpe and well on its journey of preservation for future generations. http://www.xv582blackmike.co.uk |